Thursday 9 December 2010

3D Animation and Me

Ok guys, my first actual 'post' is gonna be about 3D animation....and me.


Because I'm sitting in my animation class and it's the break so why not?

Why not about games...which is mainly what this blog is for?

Because I don't want to write about games just yet and animation is on my get over it...

I probably should wait until I actually get home to do this, I have an entire storyboard to hand in by 4.30-5.00 and it's now 3.15. Yeah it seems like I have a lot of time, but it actually isn't, just like when we're playing games, you set up thinking 'OK 1 hour tops then I'll do some work/read' or whatever you guys get up to when not gaming and along the way at every save it's 'I'll just do this last bit or the next save really isn't that far....' Next thing you know, 4 hours have gone by, you're starving hungry, dying for the loo and haven't done anything else. Anyway, enough ranting on that...

....3.18....just checking....

So why 3D animation Chibi?

I knew I'd be going into the Games or Media Industry, but honestly, never to be an animator until recently. I thought I'd be a games designer or modeller...! I only started animating literally 3-4 months and in that short time I really love it.
For those who animate too you'll know the long process, but for those who are here because they thought this was a gaming post update, here's a quick summary...

Animation is a looooong process.

Sure you can animate a man walking, running, jumping or whatever fairly quickly once you get the hang of it, animating an entire scene of short film takes a long time...and I mean a long time, especially if you have to do the story-boarding, live action filming and the actual scene modeling and animating yourself. It actually makes you realise why animation films from Pixar, Disney, etc take so long to come out and sometimes they're done relatively quickly. 

The small animations I've done so far are normal ones really. Man walking, running, jumping, lifting, back flip off wall and a trotting horse...think there's others but I can't remember right now...

I'll try and upload for you to see when I get the chance.

OK...3.38....if I get the chance I'll update this later, but you pretty much got quite a bit of info here to keep you going for now



Nothing really to update...just letting you know I didn't forget.

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