Thursday 10 March 2011

Poll Results!!!!

Yesh people, Chibi Robbie's first poll results!

The poll asked you all what you thought was the scariest game of our time so far

The options were:

Silent Hill
Dead Space

Yeah, I know there are hundreds of more games out there, but those can to mind first, followed by the 'other' choice.

(I'm hoping that people realised that 'other' meant another game and not a game called 'other'...)

Anyway the results were:...!

Silent Hill 0
F.E.A.R 2
Dead Space 7
Condemned 0
Other 4

And the winner is Dead Space!!!

If you've played it, you'll easily see why it's the winner; it's dark, creepy and seriously scary when you play it in the dark on your own, but the suspense is freaking awesome!

Although some parts are a little slow and can drag out a bit, the game definitely delivers pure terror.

F.E.A.R came second in game choice. Okay, it can be a little scary, but that edge it has and random flashes of Alma are great.

And finally 'other' came second/third or whatever...

I did get a comment that 'Little Big Planet' was scary....

I guess a living voodoo doll can be quite terrifying.

Anyway, there you go boys and girls, now vote in the next poll!

See ya later!


  1. I haven't really played much DS but Feat scared the crap out of me :) i didn't complete so i bought again recently cause it was cheap. will make sure i complete it before F3AR =D

  2. Woo! Good for you Yazzie! =D Keep playing the horrors! Make sure you save up for Silent Hill Downpour, apparently it's suppose to be as scary as the first 2-3!
