Friday 14 January 2011

'Hello World'

Happy New Year, hope you had a great time, blah, blah, blah....

Yeeessshhh people, it's finally time for another update after a nice long break.

In all honesty I would of updated sooner, but I've discovered a wonderful game called Red Dead Redemption. It's long but very addictive, so blame the game.

I have to say Irish (above saying hi) and Seth are probably my favourite characters so far, they're rudely hilarious, especially the things Irish comes out with. I've just crossed over to Mexico so I've done quite a bit, I suppose this is 'Part 2' of the game.

Anyway, another thing I've been meaning to say is about upcoming blogs.

(I'm talking about the list to the left)

There are things in there that first sprang to my mind when I first started; things I was planning to write about, but might not anymore..., don't be surprised if some disappear from the list and are never written about.
I'll probably still add topics to write about, but that's because it's either on my mind or it's something interesting about games or animation, etc I've seen and would like to share with you.

HOWEVER...if you see a topic in the box that does suddenly disappear, but I haven't written about, send me a message either in the shoutbox or comment, etc and i'll write it.

Same goes for anything you would like to see, just message me!

...hehe, I made a rhyme...


Yes, I know I'm writing a lot, but I'm making up for lost time...

A new poll will be placed veeerrrrry soon

...I just have to decide what it will be about...

Suggestions are always helpful

Well that's all for now

Make sure you do the Futterwacken before bed..!

Till next time!

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