Friday 29 April 2011

It's finally over! Now for slightly more important things...

It's finally over!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, come out of your locked dark den of a bedroom and look at anything that has something to do with the news.

I'm talking about the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Catherine Middleton and now that it is finally over, I'm actually quite happy for them.

BUT, now it's time for slightly more important things like....A RELEASE DATE FOR SILENT HILL DOWNPOUR!!

Why are we waiting? Oh why are we waiting?

...Sorry, Royal Wedding has brought forth British Pride...almost.

Seriously though, they announced it ages ago, yet all they give us is a few screenshots that look more or less the same to previous screenshots and a quote 'Out in 2011.'

We demand more information!

The same goes for Silent Hill Revelation.

Will it be finished in time for a 2011 release? Rumors are that it may be a 2012 film.

I'm pretty sure that it was originally a 2012 release, but was changed to it's 2012 again?

At least we know that filming is in progress and the line up seems pretty good. Vincent is in it people, whatever the year, it's worth the wait.

For the last bit of this long awaited update (sorry about that) the poll results!

My question was taken from Resident Evil 5 and is probably one of Wesker's most famous lines, seriously though, anything that dude says is awesome.

Complete the following sentence: 'Complete global...'

The answers:


(Tis a weird world we live in)

We have intelligent life in our world though; the top answer was the right answer!

Complete Global Saturation!

And then there were the joksters who couldn't resist clicking the other options. It had to been done though right?

So, I leave you with Wesker's famous performance.

Until next time, enjoy.

And maybe this....the video that inspired the poll....

D.C. Douglas as Albert Wesker RE5 Outtakes

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