Monday 30 May 2011

This Years Games

I know... it's been too long since I last updated.

My excuses? The normal rubbish: college, no time, gaming...

The good news is here is a new update. I'll have another in 4 or so days and another in about 2-3 weeks.

The next update is the poll results, so if you haven't voted yet then go vote.

The one after that will HOPEFULLY include my college group's maze flash game!

I haven't forgotten about that special animation, but I've been really busy with college; it's final deadlines everywhere.

But, enough of that.

I must share that as i'm writing this, my buddy Sparky275 is raging about glitched trophies... don't you just hate them?

Moving onto the main tropic; this years games.

Number 1 is pretty obvious: Silent Hill Downpour

Number 2: The Darkness 2!

Number 3: F.E.A.R 3

Number 4: Resistance 3

They're my main 4 anyway.

Any other good games coming out this year? Leave me a comment and let me know.

See you in 4 days people.

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