Friday 19 August 2011

Results Day Animation

A little something I put together yesterday. A bit 'bleh,' but I wanted to finish it in the one day. Enjoy =)

Thursday 23 June 2011

My Oscar Winning Animation =)

It's been up on Youtube for a while now, but I wanted to wait until today to show everyone =)

Today (23rd June 2011) my animation won an Oscar for Best Individual Animation 2011 =)

So without further ado, here it is!

Feel free to go and comment on this =)

Saturday 4 June 2011

Poll Results! Plus other news

This people, is the new Silent Hill Downpour trailer shown at the E3 Konami Press Conference a few days ago, pretty cool right?

To top off all this excitement from just watching it, one of gamings best ever voice actors is voicing our protagonist Murphy Pendleton...It's none other than MR DAVID HAYTER!!

The dude who voiced Snake all these years in the Metal Gear Solid series!

How cool is that?!

Next up, another trailer of an upcoming brilliant game:

Doesn't she look great? The render is amazing and extremely lifelike...heck even her boobs look less boob jobby! Tis a good thing no?

I think it'll be great to see Lara looking vulnerable and scared and it's a great way to see how she became a kickass heroine!

Now, for the poll results!

I asked 'What's the best Silent Hill game?'

I put up all the games, including case no one liked the others...

The results:

Silent Hill 1 : 0

Silent Hill 2 : 2

Silent Hill 3 : 1

Silent Hill 4: The Room : 0

Silent Hill: Origins : 2

Silent Hill: Homecoming : 1

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories : 0

Silent Hill: Downpour : 2

I was expecting Silent Hill 2 to come out on top, but it tied with Origins (really?) and Downpour (trololol). I'm guessing because those 2 who voted Downpour have never played Silent Hill?

Anyway, there it is people!

I'll have another poll up soon and a new game for you all to play!

Plus, I'm coming to the end of that animation for you!

Have fun!

Monday 30 May 2011

This Years Games

I know... it's been too long since I last updated.

My excuses? The normal rubbish: college, no time, gaming...

The good news is here is a new update. I'll have another in 4 or so days and another in about 2-3 weeks.

The next update is the poll results, so if you haven't voted yet then go vote.

The one after that will HOPEFULLY include my college group's maze flash game!

I haven't forgotten about that special animation, but I've been really busy with college; it's final deadlines everywhere.

But, enough of that.

I must share that as i'm writing this, my buddy Sparky275 is raging about glitched trophies... don't you just hate them?

Moving onto the main tropic; this years games.

Number 1 is pretty obvious: Silent Hill Downpour

Number 2: The Darkness 2!

Number 3: F.E.A.R 3

Number 4: Resistance 3

They're my main 4 anyway.

Any other good games coming out this year? Leave me a comment and let me know.

See you in 4 days people.

Friday 29 April 2011

It's finally over! Now for slightly more important things...

It's finally over!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, come out of your locked dark den of a bedroom and look at anything that has something to do with the news.

I'm talking about the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Catherine Middleton and now that it is finally over, I'm actually quite happy for them.

BUT, now it's time for slightly more important things like....A RELEASE DATE FOR SILENT HILL DOWNPOUR!!

Why are we waiting? Oh why are we waiting?

...Sorry, Royal Wedding has brought forth British Pride...almost.

Seriously though, they announced it ages ago, yet all they give us is a few screenshots that look more or less the same to previous screenshots and a quote 'Out in 2011.'

We demand more information!

The same goes for Silent Hill Revelation.

Will it be finished in time for a 2011 release? Rumors are that it may be a 2012 film.

I'm pretty sure that it was originally a 2012 release, but was changed to it's 2012 again?

At least we know that filming is in progress and the line up seems pretty good. Vincent is in it people, whatever the year, it's worth the wait.

For the last bit of this long awaited update (sorry about that) the poll results!

My question was taken from Resident Evil 5 and is probably one of Wesker's most famous lines, seriously though, anything that dude says is awesome.

Complete the following sentence: 'Complete global...'

The answers:


(Tis a weird world we live in)

We have intelligent life in our world though; the top answer was the right answer!

Complete Global Saturation!

And then there were the joksters who couldn't resist clicking the other options. It had to been done though right?

So, I leave you with Wesker's famous performance.

Until next time, enjoy.

And maybe this....the video that inspired the poll....

D.C. Douglas as Albert Wesker RE5 Outtakes

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Silent Hill Revelation!

'For years, Heather Mason and her father have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn't fully understand. Now on the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by terrifying nightmares and the disappearance of her father, Heather discovers she's not who she thinks she is. The revelation leads her deeper into a demonic world that threatens to trap her in Silent Hill forever.'

That people, is the summary of the movie and yes, it's quite similar to Silent Hill 3.

Good or bad thing?

The film is set to be released this year, so maybe around Halloween will be the actual release time.

The film is directed by Michael J. Bassett... Ok, so the guy directed Solomon Kane, surely he's gonna deliver for Silent Hill, right?

The film has some familiar faces though:

Sean Bean is continuing his role as 'dad'; he's still Chris De Silva, but apparently has changed his name to Harry Mason (the guy who went after his daughter after the car crash in the first game...not her 'mother'), so...yeah, we'll see who that pans out.

Deborah Kara Unger also returns as Dahlia Gillespie, whether she is now fresh faced or still living in those 30 year old rags doesn't really matter, right?

Of course the star of the film is young Adelaide Clemens who plays Heather Mason (who is also Alessa, Cheryl and... Sharon). She played the carnival girl at the semi beginning of 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine,' the one who thought it was obvious to unplug the light switch when it was obvious it wasn't going to work...yeah her.

The second star (in my opinion, could be the first IF portrayed properly) is Kit Harington who plays....VINCENT!!! YES FATHER VINCENT!! THE CREEPY PRIEST GUY WHO IS PRACTICALLY ON DRUGS!

I'm cool.

Pleeeeease let the dude be played properly, it will be such a shame to see a character as good as Vincent earn a bad reputation because of bad acting. Here's what he looks like:

Finally, Radha Mitchell is rumored to return as Rose De Silva although it hasn't been confirmed yet. The following image shows a possible scene though:

BUT, that could easily be the scene from the first movie, when Rose is about to go visit Alessa by taking the elevator, but someone has used 'Photoshop' to put Heather in front. We'll find out soon.

So there we have it, the latest on Silent Hill Revelations.

If you want to know more, leave me a comment in the shout box and I'll see what I can find out.

Honestly, why not just make the film like the game; Heather running into walls when turning a corner, bumping into monsters about 5 times before actually passing them or deciding to kill them and awkwardly picking up an item after circling it 10 times with an added 'De-Dim' once she picks it up... that would surely leave us on the edge of our seats...! mention of Pyramid Head OR Robbie Rabbit. The news will be hard on them both if neither of them are featured.


Thursday 24 March 2011

Be Buried In Silent Hill Update! Silent Hill Downpour

Another update on Silent Hill Downpour people!

No, it's not a release date....(Grrrr...Wish they would hurry up and announce it)

Anyway, here's an update from the competition 'Be Buried In Silent Hill'; the competition where fans sent in original art and the top three were chosen by you!

Yes, you...reading this now.

The first piece they started modelling was by Mike and was the Virgin Mary inspired statue! Or so they say.

It's a work in progress at this point.

And the following shows the completed version.

So what do you think people? Do you think it meets Mike's standards? Is it worthy enough to go into Silent Hill's Graveyard?

Leave me a comment people!

Bye for now!

Thursday 10 March 2011

Poll Results!!!!

Yesh people, Chibi Robbie's first poll results!

The poll asked you all what you thought was the scariest game of our time so far

The options were:

Silent Hill
Dead Space

Yeah, I know there are hundreds of more games out there, but those can to mind first, followed by the 'other' choice.

(I'm hoping that people realised that 'other' meant another game and not a game called 'other'...)

Anyway the results were:...!

Silent Hill 0
F.E.A.R 2
Dead Space 7
Condemned 0
Other 4

And the winner is Dead Space!!!

If you've played it, you'll easily see why it's the winner; it's dark, creepy and seriously scary when you play it in the dark on your own, but the suspense is freaking awesome!

Although some parts are a little slow and can drag out a bit, the game definitely delivers pure terror.

F.E.A.R came second in game choice. Okay, it can be a little scary, but that edge it has and random flashes of Alma are great.

And finally 'other' came second/third or whatever...

I did get a comment that 'Little Big Planet' was scary....

I guess a living voodoo doll can be quite terrifying.

Anyway, there you go boys and girls, now vote in the next poll!

See ya later!

Sunday 20 February 2011

Silent Hill Downpour Update!

Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed my little animations at the bottom! If you haven't seen them, then go watch them after reading this new update about...SILENT HILL DOWNPOUR!!

I can tell you now that Robbie The Rabbit is very happy about this update:

^ Happy Robbie =P

Anyway! On to the update!

Not long ago Konami announced a competition; 'Be Buried In Silent Hill.' Fans could send in their drawings of an inanimate object for Downpour's graveyard and the top three, chosen by the fans, would be modelled and placed into the game! Pretty cool right?

Well...the winners have been chosen!

Krum, Marcell B and Mike H!!!

The pictures? Pretty damn cool!

Here they are:

Awesome or what?

So if you're planning to get the game, then keep an eye out for all three of these models!

I might even have a go at modelling them myself!

Tell me, in the shoutbox, what one you like the most!

Remember, vote in the poll!

Leave a comment for me or Robbie!

Save up for the game!

Laters dudes and dudettes!

Monday 31 January 2011

Ultimate Memories!

Ok, so it's not a proper update, but I just had to share this!

Who out there remembers Ultimate Muscle?!

I came across it after about 10 years and it still managed to make me laugh.

So anyone remember it? Any good memories of it? Share with me people!

(Im actually watching it on TV whilst I write this! Don't tell me to grow up!)

For those who haven't watched it...WATCH IT!!!!

Here's a fond memory I know we all love!

P.S. The links in the video aren't to me! They're to the person who uploaded this amazing vid =P


Wednesday 26 January 2011

Especially for ThatSexyThang...Boobies!

ThatSexyThang: Booobies, we want boobies XD does this suggestion count lol

ThatSexyThang kindly left a suggestion in the shoutbox and as I said 'if you leave a suggestion I'll see what I can do.'

So on behalf on ThatSexyThang, here are some boobies!!


Tuesday 25 January 2011

Tomb Raider...The Prequel?

Howdy people!

...Yes I've still been consumed daily by the wonderful game known as 'Red Dead Redemption' which I have recently completed! Seriously great game, but that's for a future blog...maybe once I've got platinum trophy.

Back to today's topic!

Yes people we are going back in time to discover how Lady Lara Croft became the kick ass heroine she is today.

To be honest my first though was something like ' if it's the Lara when she first started out, won't she have less abilities and skills and be harder to control as she is still learning?'

On the bright side at least we have a better reason to blame her for not grabbing the edge when we don't "jump straight".

So a younger Lara means a new look!

And here it is! Please welcome Hilary Swa...I mean... Lara Croft!

Yes people this is our new Lara.

I'll admit she does look younger, but with our advancements in technology and more 3D looks, it's a little hard to see her 'morph' into older Lara with time.

Anyways check out look at the concept art which looks pretty freaking amazing and leave me a comment in the shoutbox about what you think!

Laters for now people!

Friday 14 January 2011

'Hello World'

Happy New Year, hope you had a great time, blah, blah, blah....

Yeeessshhh people, it's finally time for another update after a nice long break.

In all honesty I would of updated sooner, but I've discovered a wonderful game called Red Dead Redemption. It's long but very addictive, so blame the game.

I have to say Irish (above saying hi) and Seth are probably my favourite characters so far, they're rudely hilarious, especially the things Irish comes out with. I've just crossed over to Mexico so I've done quite a bit, I suppose this is 'Part 2' of the game.

Anyway, another thing I've been meaning to say is about upcoming blogs.

(I'm talking about the list to the left)

There are things in there that first sprang to my mind when I first started; things I was planning to write about, but might not anymore..., don't be surprised if some disappear from the list and are never written about.
I'll probably still add topics to write about, but that's because it's either on my mind or it's something interesting about games or animation, etc I've seen and would like to share with you.

HOWEVER...if you see a topic in the box that does suddenly disappear, but I haven't written about, send me a message either in the shoutbox or comment, etc and i'll write it.

Same goes for anything you would like to see, just message me!

...hehe, I made a rhyme...


Yes, I know I'm writing a lot, but I'm making up for lost time...

A new poll will be placed veeerrrrry soon

...I just have to decide what it will be about...

Suggestions are always helpful

Well that's all for now

Make sure you do the Futterwacken before bed..!

Till next time!